Utendorf - the concert that wasn’t - and an unexpected trip to Berlin

When I found out just three days before I was due to fly to Switzerland that this concert had been cancelled, to say I was upset was somewhat of an understatement - I think the nearer the date comes the more you look forward to it - and also there was going to be quite a few other fans that I knew so I was looking forward to meeting them.

I still do not understand how the technical problems were not discovered sooner - to cancel 5 days before a concert Is very late notice - its lucky I was not close to the organiser who messed up and let Scooter and the fans down in this way.

I know I am lucky to have seen Scooter 4 times this year, and so cannot complain too much, but I did feel for the French fans who were going to have a big meeting in Utendorf.

So - what to do - I was sitting at home feeling hellish fed up and remembered that Scooter would be in Berlin at the Bravo Supershow on 1st October (the day before the cancelled concert). I know they would only be performing 2 tracks - but going to Berlin to see Scooter for 2 tracks is better than sitting at home feeling miserable, and if I went to Berlin I could make some use of my flights by transferring them, and I could see my friend Britt, which must be good.

Luckily I managed to buy tickets for the show on eBay, that I could pick up in Berlin, so at very short notice I bought
tickets, changed my flights and booked a hotel and went to Berlin. As I had a spare ticket Kultkeks (who should
have been with me in Utendorf) also decided to join us and drove to Berlin.

I met Britt on Thursday and we went shopping. Then Britt found out that Scooter would be at the MTV studio in Berlin on Friday afternoon, so we decided to go there before the Bravo Supershow.

Kultkeks arrived in Berlin on Friday morning, and later we met Christiane. It was great to be able to meet Scooter outside the MTV studio in the afternoon and I have got something I have wanted for a long time - a picture of me with Rick, Jay and H.P. - this alone was worth going to Berlin for.

....we all need friends

One of my favourite pictures

The show was ok - I enjoyed myself a lot - I did not know many of the performers, as I am not from Germany -but I quite liked some of them - others not so much. There were 2 stages, and for the first half of the show we
were close to one, then we found out Scooter would be on the other.

Luckily at the break we managed to go to the other stage, and get a great place about 4 rows from the front.

The best was saved until the end of the show - Scooter were last to perform and they were just the
greatest, they performed a medley of Nessaja, Maria and Jigga Jigga first, and then Shake That!

For Shake That Jay had his 'hair' like in the video, and I think Rick and H.P. were also wearing the costumes from the video -they looked the same.

Scooter were great - by far the best there. As Britt said Scooter seemed to get the most applause, and the
whole place was clapping and shouting. The time they were on stage was much too short of course, but it
was just great.

It was also good to meet Britt, Kultkeks and Christiane again. I am glad Kultkeks decided to drive from Hanover.

I always seem to be bruised in some way after seeing Scooter, and today my little finger on one hand is black - I could not think why for a while, then I realised that I was wearing a ring on the other hand, and the bruising was from clapping so much when Scooter were on stage.

Up at 05:45 Saturday morning, and back at Stanstead at 10:20 (RyanAir this time - these low price airlines are really rather good in my experience this year, but not so low cost when you only book 3 days before you travel)

The 2 days in Berlin 2 days were not what I had planned - but I had a lot of fun, and did some shopping as well .

I hope there will be a full Scooter concert somewhere soon that I can go to. (Africa is just a little too far!)