Berlin - 28 January 2004

I must admit I was very nervous about my trip to Berlin. I had never been to Germany before, and never traveled anywhere alone. I was also nervous about going to the concert - I had never been to a concert like this before, and I was worried that after all the anticipation it would be a disappointment.

I think that if I had not known I would be going to the concert with Britt I may well have not had the courage to go.

The weather was very cold, both in England and Germany. I flew from Stanstead airport early on 27th January morning. Britt was at the airport with her husband to meet me, and they drove me to my hotel, it was great to finally meet Britt in person. After I had checked in at the hotel Britt took me out to see parts of Berlin which was great.

Where it all started for me - Columbia Halle
in Berlin on a cold January day

On the day of the concert I took a trip up to Columbia Hall in the morning, and had a long walk around Berlin. At lunch time Britt and her son came to my hotel, and we went round a few shops. We arrived at the hall at about 17:00, one or two other fans were already there. It was very cold, and started to snow, but the atmosphere was great among the fans.

Our queuing paid off, and we got places in the middle of the front row - I cannot tell you what a good feeling it was to finally be there in such a good place. I must confess that I had never heard of StarSplash before, and was not really looking forward to the warm-up, but I really enjoyed them, and they were great to get the crowd warmed up for Scooter.

I regret that I only took a disposable camera to this concert, as I was not sure if cameras were allowed into the venue, and I did not want to be delayed at the entrance, but the few picture I took were better than I expected with a very cheap camera.

At last Scooter came on stage - it was just unbelievable to actually be there, and to be so close to the stage. H.P. was incredible, and I was amazed by just how blue his eyes were.

The whole concert was great - the best experience of my life - I did not know it was possible to have so much fun - I could have died there.

H.P. was great, and so were Rick and Jay. I was surprised when they sang Nellie The Elephant, as this was a song I liked when I was very small, and the it is probably the oldest vinyl record I have.
Tracklist - Berlin - 28 January 2004
We Like It Loud Tour

01 : Intro
02 : Maria (I Like It Loud)
03 : Weekend!
04 : Take A Break
05 : Friends
06 : Waiting For Spring
07 : Let Me Be Your Valentine
08 : Habanera
09 : Call Me Mañana
10 : Break It Up
11 : Awakening
12 : Frequent Traveller
13 : How Much Is The Fish?
14 : Faster Harder Scooter
15 Fuck The Millennium
16 : Nessaja
17 : Roll Baby Roll
18 : Surfin' Bird & Nelly The Elephant
19 : Ramp! (The Logical Song)
20 : Jigga Jigga!

Posse (I Need You On The Floor)

Hyper Hyper

After the concert we waited outside for a while - there were not many fans about as it was so cold. After a while H.P.'s car drove out, but did not stop.

A while later Jay and Rick drove out, and stopped to talk to us for a while - I also got to hug Rick and Jay. What nice guys they are - to stop and talk on a cold night like that - Rick said that he regularly reads the forum to see what the fans say there.

Next day I was due to fly home - I went to Britt's house for the day, and she showed me her great collection of Scooter things. Then in the evening she and her husband drove me to the airport - Britt - thanks for everything, and for making my visit to Berlin so enjoyable, also for helping me to be in the front row - without you I would have probably been at the back, and never have know just how good it can be.

I must confess that when I got home I had my doubts about going to Hamburg in February - I was sure it could not possibly be so good as the concert in Berlin and Britt would not be there to share the experience, so I did consider giving up after what I considered to be the best possible - but as I had my tickets for the concert, and my flights were booked I decided to go, at the risk of being disappointed.

(but I should not have worried...)