Diary 2008 - 2011

Unfortunately for this time I have not had time to really keep my diary up to date.

Between March 2008 and Sept 2010 I saw live Scooter 17 times, including in the UK!! :

Clubland Live
12.03.2008 London (UK) Hammersmith Apollo
13.03.2008 Birmingham (UK) NIA

Jumping All Over The World Tour
27.03.2008 Karlsruhe - Schwarzwaldhalle
05.04.2008 Hamburg - Sporthalle
06.04.2008 Berlin - Columbiahalle

01.08.2008 Berlin - Zitadelle Open-air concert

04 09 2008 Bochum - Zeltfestival Ruhr

Clubland Live 2
Saturday 29th November 2008- Glasgow SECC
Wednesday 3rd December - Birmingham NEC

Bielefeld, December 2008

03.07.2009 - Episcopal Castel - Haapsalu, Estonia

Under The Radar Over The Top Tour 2010
11.03.2010 Cologne - Palladium
12.03.2010 Hamburg - Color Line Arena
13.03.2010 Berlin - O2 World
20.03.2010 Leipzig - Arena

04 09 2010 - IFA Sommergarten Berlin open-air

25.06.11 - THE STADIUM TECHNO INFERNO Imtech Arena -Hamburg

This is a condensed review of those shows / trips.

December 2007 - I went to Hamburg in December 2007 to go to the Christmas Markets - I also met my friends Marina and Jani while I was there and we went to H1 togehther to see Jay play.

While I was in Gernmany I went to Berlin shopping for a day, and saw the guys when they left the Viva studio in Berlin, and was able to get autographs. That was when I first heard that Scooter might be coming to the UK in 2008 for the Clubland Live tour, playing in 7 big venues.

H1 Dec 2007


Clubland Live - London and Birmingham - March 2008

Seeing Scooter play live in London was not something I had expected, and I was a little apprehensive as to how they would be received; it had been gread to hear how popular they were in the first 3 gigs, but traditionally they always seemed to have a bigger fan bsae in Ireland, Scotland and northern England.

On the day of the London gig I worked until lunchtime and then went to London by train. I met Dave and Zita outside the hall, also a couple of forum members - Gerry and his girlfriend from Belfast, and DJ OSKA and his friend from Norfolk.

Waiting outside the Hammersmith Apollo wit Zita and Dave


We didn't go to the front , we were about 4 rows back. The stage was a bit low, so hard to see very well, but there were big screens.

The crowd went crazy when Scooter came on, everyone around me seemed to know all of the words to both the old older and new tracks - it was great. Scooter played for about 30 mins. The tracklist was:

The Question Is What Is The Question
I'm Raving
Jumping All Over The World
I'm Lonely
The Logical Song


After the show I spent some time with Dave and Zita, then went back to my hotel, before going back to work the next morning.

The Birmingham concert was the day after London. After work we drove to Birmingham (with my husband and youngest son, Will, my eldest didn't want to go), This was the first time that Will had seen Scooter live.



Jumping All Over The World Tour - Karlsruhe, Berlin and Hamburg - March, April 2008

Karlsruhe 27.03.08

This concert was on my birthday, so I wasn;t sure if I should go or stay at home, but I do really like to see the first concert in a tour, and it would be good to spend a few hours with some friends. This was a very short trip, as I went home the day after the concert. I arrived in Karlsruhe early i the morning, and went to my hotel, which was only a few minutes walk from the venue. I met PJ from France and we had a coffee, then we went to meet Maddy who was travelling from Paris by train.

I went to the hall in the middle of the afternoon, and was in the queue near Christiane, PJ, Maddy and quite a few more French fans.

I managed to get to the the front row, but over to the right, slightly to the right of where Rick was, so it was not such a good place for pictures, also there was quite a lot of fog in the hall (for the lasers I guess), so it was not ideal for pictures, but most of all I wanted to watch the show more than take pics. The tracklist was:

Call Me Manana
Jumping All Over The World
The Question Is What Is The Question
I'm Raving
And No Matches
That new jumpstyle song of unknown name
Lass Uns Tanzen + 3 Tage Wach
Lighten Up The Sky
Whistling (Song) + Cambodia + Enola Gay
f##k The Millennium
Aiii Shot The DJ
Roll Baby Roll
How Much Is The Fish?
I'm Lonely
One (Always Hardcore)

Ramp! (The Logical Song)

Maria (I Like It Loud)
Hyper Hyper



I think Scooter were on stage for about 1hr 45 minutes. After the show I met up with Maddy and Chris again for a few minutes before going back to my hotel.

The concert was just fantastic - it could not have been better for me - it started with my favourite track, and stayed wonderful - for me it was a perfect track list.

The dancers were great - the jumpers were great and Scooter were fantastic - it was a wonderful, fun, concert, I felt 20 years younger at the end of it. Also the pyro and lasers were very very good .



Hamburg 05.04.08

It's always good to go to Hamburg, beacuse a lot of fans I know are usually there.

On the day of the concert I had lunch with had lunch with Liv-runi from Norway, and Marina and Jani. I had a seated ticket for this concert for the first time, so I did not need to go go to the hall as early as I usually would.

It was the first time I did not arrive early at a concert to be near the front.

I arrived at about the time the doors opened, and it was almost impossible to get near to the venue - all of the roads full of cars going there, and my taxi had to laeve me to walk the last part, also so many people waiting outside. When you are at the front for the queue you don't really appreciate how many people there are by the time the doors open.




This was a great concert and there was some fantastic variations and live playing

Yes - it was a very,very good night - a great concert, I also enjoyed The Potbelleez, and Scooter were fantastic.
i saw this show from a different position to my usual near to the front, but sitting I had a great view of the stage, and the whole hall - the place was completely full.
It was great to meet up with Liss, DR, Dave, Zita, Marina, Jani and Sebastian after the show as well

Being seated was very different - but I made the front row in Berlin

I think anywhere in the hall is great - in Hamburg I probably had a better overall view and better sound quality - but the passion of being at the front is really something completely wonderful and unique ....although I think I nearly died in Berlin, jumping and being completley insane the whole time

I was sitting in a place where I had a very good view of the hall, and I would think it was sold out - the places was completely full - I don't think it would have been possible to fit more people in.

I was sitting upstairs, and it was great to see everyone entering, and the hall becoming full .

The front is by far the best place to be - but it was good to see the huge crowd as well .

After the concert I met up with Dave and Liv-runi and we went to a club for a couple of hours - it was a great night!


Berlin 06.04.08

I left Hamburg early to travel to Berlin - I was very tired when I arrived in Berlin and went to my hotel for a while which was just a few minutes walk from the hall. I was not sure if I had the energy to stand outside the hall in the cold for hours to try to get to the front row.

I decided to try for the front row, and I was almost in the middle this time.

It was great to see some other fans I have not seen for a long time, like Britt and her son, alf, Magic_voice, Madeline, Merko (hope its spelt right) and the 4 Czech guys, and of course Christiane was there as well .


I did not eat or drink after breakfast, and went crazy and jumped the whole concert, so at the end I was totally covered in sweat and very very tired.

This time the tracklist was slightly different because they played Whatever You Want before And No Matches

Afterwards we waited outside the hall with Britt and some of the others and talked for a while, and then when Michael and Rick came out they came over to talk to us - they were both very nice and friendly.

I had a wonderful time in Berlin , it was a great, if very tiring trip.


Berlin Zitadelle - August 2008


I was really looking forward to this concert, as it was open air, and the venue looked very interesting, it was an old fort.

This is WIll's review of the trip to Berlin and the concert :

We arrived at our hotel in Berlin about mid day on Thursday, and then when we checked in we went to check out the Zitadelle and we saw the stage builders putting the stage together. I thought that the crowd area was rather small (It wasn't too small ) After we saw the stage at the Zitadelle, we went back to the Hotel. Later that night, we saw some of the road crew sat in a resturant at our hotel - we said hello before going back to our room.



The next morning (Friday), we were at breakfast and one of the road crew joined us and told us the show would be good. We then greeted Neil (NMR), Chris (chris_scfc) and Nic (TrackAttakerUK) at the hotel lobby and then we went of to the Zitadelle to see how the stage had progresed over night - they were setting up the lights. Then, on our way out of the Zitadelle, we met Christiane and her friend and we talked for a couple of minutes before heading back to the hotel for a rest. Then we went to go back to the venue to say hello to all of you that were in the queue and in the underground we met the other guys from the UK. We all went to say hello and i was very pleased to meet all the other fans. Me and Sandra went to get a new camera and on our way back to the hotel we stopped in again at the zitadelle to see more fans and then the official forum photo was taken

We then went for lunch at our hotel. When we were having lunch, 2 of the sheffield jumpers came up to us and said hello. When we finished eating I went and had my photo taken with them. Me and Sandra had a rest and shower. At around 7, we left the hotel for the concert.

There were many fans in the underground heading for the concert. They got some weird lloks when they were shouting things like "How much is the fish?!?"

Considering the time we arrived at the venue, we had a good place in the second row in front of the speaker on the right of the stage. Behinf us was 2 Irish girls and 2 English lads - one of them was Joe Hosier :lol: .

The warm up acts were really good - my favourite was the second one - it made me laugh when they all came running on stage. But the support acts were not as good as the main act...

Scooter started at around 9:30 - the intro was really good and effective with the lasers and pyros. Then, It was Call Me Manana - it was really fun waving glowsticks and jumping around - and if i stopped jumping the girl next to me would link my arm and make me jump.

The only bad bit of the concert (And it really wasnt that bad) was when we all got some kind of dust in our eyes after one of the pyros (It stung a bit)

1. Intro
2. Call me manana
3. Jumping all over
4. The Question
5. I'm raving
6. Weekend
7. And no matches
8. Jump that rock
9. No Fate
10. Jumpstyle Medley
11. Fuck the millenium
12. Aii shot the DJ
13. Roll Baby Roll
14. Nessaja
15. How much is the Fish
16. I'm lonely
17. One
18. Jigga Jigga
19. Maria
20. Hyper Hyper


After the concert, me and Sandra got a drink and stood under a tree to shelter before going back to the hotel. We were very tired and went straight to bed.

This morning, we met the other guys from the UK in the lobby and were about to get in our taxi to the aiport when we met some of the scooter jumpers again. We said goodbye and left for the airport.

Overall, it was an incredible concert and i would absolutley love to go to another concert with all the guys from the UK again.

I'll add my bit now - it was unbelevably hot in berlin - in the low - mid 30s. We checked in at the hotel and had a trip to the Zitadelle on Thursday afternoon, and had a good look around the museum, which was very interesting. It looked a great venue for a concert. The crew were there setting up the stage. It was incredibly hot, and storms were forecast for the afternoon / evening of the concert.

It was nice to meet some of te crew again at the hotel, and also great to meet the Jumpers there - they were really friendly, and happy to talk and have their picture taken with us,

Because we were out and about all day and it was very hot we only went to the venue at about 19:00, but had no trouble getting close to the front. We were in the second row at Micheal's side of the stage. By co-incidence there were 7 other UK fans standing close to us, 2 from Ireland, Joe and his friend, and NMR, Chis and Nic.

The atmosphere at the concert was great - it was very friendly, everyone near us seemd really happy, and there was no pushing or bad behaviour - it was great to be there

I also enjoyed both support acts - the second most. It seemed a long wait from when they finished until Scooter started, but Scooter were great - it was ne of the best performances. We were very close to one of the speakers that H.P. pushed off the stage and the fan that didn't fall off. It was so hat I don't know how H.P. survived on stage throughout the concert. Just as the concert was getting towards the end it started to thunder

The tracklist, pyro, lasers and lights were great. The setting was very good, and Scooter were fantastic

I had a great evening - everything was great

We had to get up early the next morning, and left the hotel at 7am, we went back to the airport wih Nic (track_attackerUK), NMR and Chris, and were on the same flight home - it was nice to meet Chris and NMR again, and to meet Nic for the first time, and also good to talk to them for a while.

We got home late in the morning - and were pretty tired. It was great to come home and see the concert on TV - I think Viva did a good job with the broadcast - I enjoyd watching it and look forward to seeing it again. The concert was later released on DVD.

The only thing that could have been better would have been to be with Britt at the concert.



Bochum - Zeltfestival Ruhr - Sept 2008


I flew Thursday morning, then got the train to Bochum. (I read that Bochum is twin town to Sheffield). I met a fan from Venezuela who was on the same flight as me, and saw him again in the queue, but I don't know his name, he told me he had been studying in England and was very happy to have the opportunity to go to a concert.

It was a nice sunny day so I decided after I arrived in Bochum to try to go to the front row, so I went to the venue early. It was great to meet other fans, Richard, Christiane, the Czech guys, the Romanian fans, Bassfire and some other German fans (names escape me just now ), also of course Fannie and her husband.

I did get to the front row , and the show was great , I loved every second of it! The show was in a sort of tent.





The tracklist (in random order):
- Intro
- Call me Manana
- And no matches
- Jumping all over the world
- Weekend
- Jigaa Jigga
- The Question
- Nessaja
- Jump that Rock
- I'm raving
- Ramp
- One (Always hardcore)
- I'm Lonely
- How much is the fish
- Hyper Hyper
- Maria (I like it loud)



The show was great - the atmosphere was wonderful !!Bochum was a very nice crowd - no drunks, or pushing or kicking - it was great . Afterwards Rickard, Chris and I were lucky enough to see the guys and theey posed for a photo with us.

Next day it was back to wet windy old England - seems it had been raining here since I left the day before.


Clubland Live 2 - November, December 2008

Glasgow, 29 November 2008

Will and I were are getting ready to go to Glasgow - the weather forcast looked good, cold but sunny , so we are planning to spend the morning and afternoon sightseeing and shopping, and then in the evening go to the show. We both do like a few more of the artistes that will be there, so I think we will like a lot of the music - but of course the real reason we are going is to see Scooter . We were flying home on Sunday morning, the day after the concert. We were looking forward to a nice weekend to do something different, visit a new place and listen to the music we like.

We flew from Luton to Glasgow early on saturday morning, and the flight was good, we were in out hotel by 10:00, and the hotel was joined to the venue We spend a few hours sight seeing, and went to an art gallery and a museum.

We met Chris, Maddy and Cerwin outside the hall for a while in the afternoon, but as we had decided not to go for the front row we decided to only go to the hall at about 7:15. When we arrive there was a huge crowd, and it was nearly 8:00 when we got into the hall. When we came out of the hotal to the venue we were greeted by an unsual sight - what looked like 1000's of young girls in brighly coloured tutus, and the noise they were making screaming was deafening, and outside some of the crowd waiting were "singing" Dub Dub Dub..... it was certaily different to any other Scooter concert I have been to.



There were a lot of young fans, but we had no trouble at all (I had read at earlier Clublang gigs it was not so) - I just felt they were all out to have a good time We did get hit by a couple of gow-sticks - but that was not aimed - just random throwing from the seated area.
Security were not awfully good - a lot of people from the seated area just climbed over the barrier into the standing area.

I did feel at bit out of place being so much older than anyone else I saw - but no-one seemed bothered by it (except me!)

I enjoyed about half of the other acts, and I thought Scooter were fantastic. They played Nessaja, Maria and I'm Raving

In summery I had a good trip to Glasgow - it felt a bit strange to amongst so many really young fans - I did feel out of place a bit - I also felt overdressed in jeans and a t-shirt - many of the girls near us had bright tutus and a bra - not much else on. I thought Scooter were great - it was sooo good to see then play again - the tracklist was (but not in order):

Intro /Call me manana
Jumping All Over The World
Jump that rock
Short jumpstyle medley
Im Raving
Im Lonely
The question


We got home at about midday on Sunday and my feet hurt! but i had a great time in Glasgow , and it was really great to see so many people enjoying seeing Scooter!

Birmingham, 3 December 2008

We travelled to Birmingham after work. We were seated this time, but had an excellent view of the stage, with no-one in front of us . I really enjoyed my evening, although not all the acts were to my taste - I think out of the whole show the best bits were the DJ sets, and of course the very best was Scooter - Ultrabeat were also pretty good.

The crowd seemed very different to Glasgow, much more of a variety of ages and dress, and I certainly didn't see girls with bras and tutus (there were quite a few tutus, but most looked pretty good, with nice tops as well). As far as I could tell there was no trouble from anyone in the crowd - everyone seemed happy and wanting to have fun.

From where we were sitting we had a great view of the audience, as well as the stage - and it was really good to see the audience when Scooter were on stage - everyone was going crazy, and seemed to be loving every second! Could also see all the things being thrown at the stage, and the glow-sticks on the stage - somethings did seem to hit some of the artists quite hard :? and the stage looked very dangerous for dancing.

It was great to hear "And No Matches", which relaced "Weekend", but apart from that the set-list was the same as Glasgow.


Scooter were great - it was a very good performance

After the show we went down to the standing area, and met Dave and Daniel in front of the stage, but everyone else we knew seemed to have gone. Was nice to meet up with Dave and Daniel - I think the last time the 3 of us met at a concert was in Hamburg in 2004. Was nice to see you again guys, if only for a short time. We finally got home at about 01:00 in the morning.

Bielefeld - December 2008

We (me and Will) arrived in Dortmumd at about 09:30 on Friday (the day before the concert), and spent a lot of the day looking around the shops, and the great Christmas Markets (always a bonus on a trip to Germany at this time of the year).

We got our train to Bielefeld late afternoon, and arrived at the hotel at about 17:00. We were both feeling quite tired, so decided to rest for a couple of hours. Later we went for a walk around the Bielefeld Christmas Markets.

We contacted Maddy and PJ, and they, and Cesar and his girlfriend came to our hotel for a while where we could talk for a while - it was good to see PJ and Maddy again, and to meet Cesar and his girlfriend.

On Saturday morning Christiane found the hotel we were staying at and came to see us (we were still sleeping when she arrived ). We all went out for a walk through the markets and met Edgar , and all 4 of us went to have a drink and talk together, which was nice . Then we walked over to the hall. The Scooter tour lorry was parked outside.


Will and I went back to our hotel for a while, as I was feeling very tired. We went back to the hall at about 17:00. There was a small queue of about 30 - 40 people outside at this time. The hall was upstairs, so I thought when I saw the stairs that I would have very little chance of being in the front row (I was having a little trouble breathing as I was recovering from flu).

The crowd grew very quickly, and waiting fans seemed very happy (and noisy!) - it seemed that a lot of people were in the party spirit

When the doors opened it took quite a long time to get thhrough security, as they were searching all bags. We went up the stairs, and were able to get to the front row on Michael's side. Although we were quite far over we had an excellent view of all of the stage, and I happier at the side, because there was less of a crush. The crowd seemed great - there were people of all ages, and everyone seemed very happy

I quite enjoyed the support act -they were entertaining to watch, and more to my likeing that a lot of the Clubland acts. There was quite a long gap between the end of the support act and Scooter.

When the lights went down, at the first note of the Scooter intro I seemed to get a real adrenalin rush; and you could feel the base through out your whole mind body and soul! . I got a huge enery boost - I thought it could only last a short time, but it lasted throughout the whole show.

I though everything about the show was fantastic - Scooter were really good, and the tracklist was great. I was just crazy throughout the whole time Scooter were on stage .

After the show saw Maddy, PJ, Cesar, Edgar, Chris and Bassfire again for a short talk. Its great to meet with outher fans

Later some of us went to have a McDonalds, before Will and I went back to our hotel. On Sunday I really wished we could go home as soon as possible, but our flight was not until 21:05. We left the hotel at 12:00 and got the train back to Dortmund, then spent some more tome just walking around the markets - the atmosphere was really nice and Christmassy - it felt much more like Christmas there than it does back here, we enjoyed it a lot, but were both very tired by the time we got to the airport. We finally arrive home at about 23:00, then back to work today for me

I had a good trip - it could have been better overall if I had felt better, but the Scooter concert could not have been better - it was perfect , and Scooter gave me a burst of strength and energy that even I did not know was possible

Haapsalu (Estonia) - July 2008

Will and I flew to Tallin, where we spent a night close to the edge of the old city. Unfortunately Will was ill, so he didn't leave the hotel, but i did have a walk around the old town, which was beautiful, and a place I would like to visit again. The next day we caught the bus to Haapsalu. Haapsalu was a very beautiful place by the sea, and the weather was fantastic. In the evening we went for a walk around the old castle, which was the venue, and while we were there we met Maddy and Chris , and then went to get something to eat together.

It was a great show, I was in the middle of the front row, which was awesome but extremely rough by the time scooter came on stage (Which was about 5 hours after the doors opened Sash was great! Got the crowd worked up nicely for Scooter, and the first two DJs were okay, but they played a little long, and the bass was so overpowering it started to make me feel ill again

Queueing outside the venue


I was very surprised about the queue - there were only 10 people in it until about 10 mins before the gates opened! I decided to run for the front with chris, although I didnt need to as there was only about 3 rows of people standing until about 10 mins before Sash! :lol: I was very surprised that Scooter played a nearly whole set, and was surprised they played no fate as it wasnt on the tracklist! (I asked the security guards for it after the show ) Very rough crowd, had 3 towels that were thrown to me snatched away from me by the people trying to push me from my place, but i didnt give in and stayed in my place for the whole concert

The show was great, but it would have been better if Scooter had been on earlier.

Tallin old city
Stage being set up

The day before the concert
In the queue outside the venue

In the front row


I was very tire when I got home - but overall all good trip - only downside was Will's foodpoisoning which started a couple of hours before we left home.

The venue was awsome, the crowd was a bit rough - I have quite a few brusies from protecting my front row position - but it will take more than that to move me from such a great place.


Under The Radar Over The Top Tour - Koln, Hamburg, Berlin and Leipzig, March 2010

Cologne March 11 2010.

I arrived in Cologne in the morning of the concert, and after a brief rest in the hotel I decided to try to walk to the hall - it was quite a long way, but I finally got there.Christiane, PJ, Maddy and a few other French fans were already there. It was cold, so I sat in a car for a while talking to Maddy and Chris, and discussing plans for travel on the tour. This was a venue I was very happy to visit as it was where the Encore DVD was recorded. Before we go into the venue I has pain I had in my hands, feet and head from the cold, but that was soon forgotten.



The concert was great - its always great to go to the first concert of a new tour. The tracklist of the show (but maybe not in the right order) was:

The Chaser / Jigga Jigga
Where The Beats ( with a different chorus - where the streets have no name)
Frequent Traveller
Second Skin
F### The Millenium / Call Me Manana
Metropolis / Scarborough Reloaded
Bit A Bad Boy / See Your Smile
Ti Sento
How Much Is The Fish
Jumping All Over The World
The Question Is What Is The Question
Jump That Rock WYW
Stuck On Replay (Club Mix and Radio Edit)
Endless Summer / Hyper Hyper / Move Your Ass

After the show I spent some time talking to Chris and Maddy before going back to the hotel - it was going to be a long day tomorrow travelling to Hamburg for the next concert!

Hamburg March 12 2010

I arrived at the hall at about 15:30 after travelling all morning from Cologne, so unfortunately I was not at the front with a lot of you, although I did get to talk to quite a few people I know Also I was stood next to a couple who had travelled from the same part of England as me so it was nice to talk to them.
I was already tired when I arrived at the hall after being in Cologne the night before, and queueing for about 6 hours in frezezing cold in Cologne. It was cold queuing, but not as cold as in Cologne. I did get quite wet when it started to rain as well which was not very nice.
I managed to get to the front row - I was at Rick's side of the stage, and quite close to David from Spain.
The concert was just incredible - it was the best I have seen, and the pyro and effects were fantastic!!!!!!
Everything about the show was great, and the accoustics in the ghall seemed a lot better than Cologne and Berlin. It was amazing when I looked round to see the whole areana was totally full - there did not seem to be an empty space anywhere. It was also a great suprise for me when they played Clic Clac as it wasn't played in Cologne - I thought it was a great live track ) The dancers and jumpers were all great )
I can't wait to see the recording of the show, as we had heard that this show was being recorded for a DVD (Live in Hamburg)

JAH album version
Jumping All Over The World (Single)
The Question Is What Is The Question
Where The Beats ( different chorus)
Bit A Bad Boy (different chorus)
Second Skin
F### The Millenium / Call Me Manana
Clic Clac / Scarborough Reloaded
Stuck On Replay
Jump That Rock WYW
Ti Sento
How Much Is The Fish
Endless Summer / Hyper Hyper / Move Your Ass


right now I am too tired and still excited about the whole experience - it was the best concert ever it was good to meet you and your wife in the hall; I was a little sad that I did not arrive in Hamburg to be with a lot of the forum members in the queue, but I did manage the front row, and to meet a few people I know
I don't think anything could be better than that concert It was also good to go to H1 after the show and meet a lot of forum members there - and good to see Sebastian at H1 (and of course it was really great to see Jay again, and get to talk to him again )

I left at about 3am as well, but that time the club was starting to empty a bit.

Micheal wasn't there, but that really didn't suprise me - I think the would have been far too tired after the wonderful concert to do a dj set. The House Rockerz played there and I have to say they were great - the guy with the sax is really good. I had a great time at H1 - I was a bit undecided about going because I was tired after the concert, and had to go to Berlin early on Saturday (well - not really early, but getting up at 7:30 when you don't get back to the hotel until 3:30 made it seem early ) - but I am really glad I went - was a very good end to a great night

That sax guy was very very good at the club - even better than at the concert

I just wish I had arrived in Hamburg earlier to be with a lot of people I know at the front of the queue, but I was stood close to David from Spain in the concert, and had a great time at H1 after.

The concert was just totally fantastic - something I will never forget The DVd is great reminder of that great time, and I will never forget it thanks to Scooter, the dancers the House Rockerz and everyone I met out there


Berlin 13 March 2010

I travelled from Hamburg to Berlin, to meet Will and his Dad at Schoenefeld in Berlin at around about 12:00. We made our way to out hotel which was within walking distance of the venue. We could not check-in before 15:00 so we went to see the Berlin Wall, and get something to eat.

We stayed at a boutique hotel, which was different to those I had stayed at before, and Will loved it.

At about 17:00 Will and I walked to the venue. It was a very interesting looking place near to the river, with the enterance made out of old containers. When we got there there were already quite a few fans queueing. This was going to be Will's first concert of the tour.

J'adore Hardcore
Posse (I Need You On The Floor) (Tour Version)
The Sound Above My Hair
Stuck On Replay (Club & Radio)
Jumping All Over The World
The Question Is What Is The Question
Where The Beats... (Tour Version)
Second Skin
Clic Clac / Scarborough Reloaded
F*ck The Millennium / Call Me Mañana
Bit A Bad Boy
One (Always Hardcore)
Ti Sento
Jump That Rock (Whatever You Want)

How Much Is The Fish?
Maria (I Like It Loud)

Endless Summer / Hyper Hyper / Move Your Ass! (Tour Version)

This is Will's view : " It was an amazing show! House rockers were a really great start to the night, loved the music they played, and the guy on the sax was awesome

The light show and flame effects were really good, and the pyros were super! (especially the over head ones in the intro, but they did scare me a little haha )

The tracklist was good too, I especially enjoyed hearing Second Skin and Scarborough Reloaded."


My bit -the smoke (or fog) in Berlin - it was quite thick, and you could not see the guys clearly; I thought maybe it looked this way because I was over to the side, but it seems not.
It was a good concert though . I was also feeling very tired in Berlin, so I could not jump as much as in Cologne and Hamburg. then it was time to go home for a week, returning to Germany in a weeks time with will for the final concert of the tour.

Before flying home he day after the concert we went on a tourist tor of Berlin which was very interesting. When we got homw I was tired but really looking forward to Leipzig!

Leipzig March 20 2010

We left home at 3:00 am on the day of the concert and flew to Berlin, then went by train to Leipzig.

We went to the venue quite early and queued for about 4 hours, in the queie we met some great fans, many who we had met before. It also rained while we were queing and a number of us sheltered under a plastic poncho.

Waiting in Leipzig


At this venue there was a set of doors at either side of the building - unfortunately we didnt get to the front due to the fact that they opened the other set of doors before the one we were at which was disappointing, so we were not at the front (so I was not able to take pics). While we were waiting for Scooter I felt very tired and actually wondered if this would be the last concert I would go to,but somehow when Scooter came on stage my energy returned, and I knew I would be back agan as soon as possible! It was a very good show! Afterwards we talked to Ed, maddy and Chris outside and said goodbye to frinds until next time. We were at the hall quite a long time, and by the time we left there were not many buses, so Will and I walked back to the hotel, which nearly killed me!

The day after the concert we travel back home, and I was still exhausted!

Berlin September 2010


Will and I got an early flight to Berlin (the worst part of the trip - I hate to wake in the middle of the night!). We were looking forward to another open-air concert, this time at the IFa Sommergarten, but the weather did not look very promising!

We arrived at the venue at about 11:30, and Christiane was already there - we said Hi to her and then went to look for our hotel, which was only a few minutes walk from the venue. we rested for a while and got some food, then went back to the venue at about 16:30 - on the way there it started to rain very heavily so when we arrived we were very wet - there were not many fans waiting at this time, probably because of the rain.

The gates opened at 19:00, in the last 30 minutes or so before the gates opened a large crowd built up.
It was the futhest distance between the gate and the stage that I have ever had to go on any concert - up stairs, round a long path, through a hall, another path and then across the Sommergarten, so although I was one of the first 10 people throught the gate many people got to the stage before me, but Will was faster than me, and we got to the front row at the right hand side
While we were waiting it rained heavily again, but fortunately the rain stopped before the show started. Keule (the support band) were ok - they we enetertaining and I enjoyed them although I didn't appreciate all of the humour as I don't understand German.



Scooter were great It was a great concert I wish it had been longer, but I was very happy with it - I think they played for about 80 minutes. I love Endless Summer/HH/MYA, but in a way I was a bit sad when it started because it meant the show was almost over. The tracklist was good for me, and I had a great time - Scooter were very good and it was a great show with good audio quality
After Scooter finished there was the firework display, to an interesting and enjoyable mix of Scooter tracks; the fireworks were behind the stage, but because were were over to the right hand side we could see quite will between the stage and the large monitor screen.
After the show security cleared the ground very quickly and we had to leave before we had much time to talk to other fans. It was great to see Britt and her son again, I wish we had been able to talk for longer. It was also good to see other fans again
After the show we were tired and walked back to the hotel after talking outside to Christiane and Ed for a few minutes
It was a great (but tiring) weekend.


On Sunday Will and I met Ed and went to see where Teufelsberg was, as it was close to the venue, then in the afternoon Will and I went to the IFA, which was also enjoyable - some of the 3D TV's were really good.
We flew home at 22:20, and finally arrived home at about 00:45 Monday morning, so we were a bit tired on Monday, but it was great fun - a good weekend and a great concert!

The Stadium Techno Inferno, Hamburg June 2011


This was a very enjoyable trip - one of the best!

Will and I arrived in Hamburg late on Friday afternoon, the hotel was about 2 minutes walk from the main station, so very convenient, also Liv-Runi was staying at the same hotel, so that was good.
We went to the "forum meeting" on Friday evening - it was great to see so many fans in one place outside of a concert, and from so many different place; it was also great to meet Sabine, Kelly and Kerby from Berlin - they are great fun. It was also great to see the "Scooter R U Ratty" banner walking round Hamburg. There were a lot of people that I have met before at various concerts over the years, but not in all in place. After meeting about 25 of us went to a bar for a coupl of hours -I really enjoyed the evening We decided not to join some of the others who decided to go to a club later, as we were tired from travelling and wanted a good nights sleep before the concert.




A couple of weeks before the concert I decide to buy VIP tickets for this concert - which meant it was a different experience to normal for me. We did not go to the stadium to queue early, but we arrived when it opened at 16:00. The seats we had were fantastic - we had an excellent view and got the full benefits of the effects, and the audio was perfect and not at all distorted. Because the VIP included an AAA pass we went backstage when the concert finished for a while and got to meet the guys.VIP also included dinner, with specially printed TSTI menus, I wish I had thought to keep a menue, as it would been a great momento of the concert.

The concert was fantastic for me - I would say the best I have ever been to (and I have been to some good ones!). I thought the tracklist was very good, of course there were a lot of the "old favourites" there, but that was to be expected, I would imagine that a large proportion of those there only know the singles really well and would have been dissappointed if they had been missing. The instrumental was a highlight for me - and to hear Sunrise was something I could never have hoped for ; Habanera was also increadible, and makes me beleive even more that they listen to fans ; all that and my favorite of FTM/Manana made this a perfect concert experience to. Also great to hear The Leading Horse live again I was in Scooter heaven for 140 minutes (or however long it was)


This was without a doubt the most expensive concert I have ever been to, or will go to again - the VIP was a once in a lifetime luxury for us, and it could only really be worth the price in a venue like the stadium, but it was very special .... as was the whole weekend and the pleasure of meeting so many fans - some old friends, and some I have never met in person before.
I can't wait now for the release of the concert - I hope its uncut but only time will tell with that, and as the album release is now later than we expected it would be nice to see it again before the autumn, but whenever it is I will really look forward to it - while I hope nothing is cut I REALLY hope the instrumental and Habanera are not cut - and these are pretty special, and part of what made this concert special and different. EDIT - nothing was cut from the DVD of this concert that was included with the Limited Editions of The Big Mash Up.

During the instrumental medley, when sunrise was playing there were 3 guys in ratty costumes right up high at the top of the stage. The crowd was really energetic right through to the end, and the atmosphere was great! And they played Habanera!


Hello (Good To Be Back)
Aiii Shot The DJ
Jumping All Over The World
The Question Is What Is The Question
I'm Raving
The Only One
Ramp! (The Logical Song)
The Leading Horse
Stuck On Replay
Surfin Bird
Medley inc. Sunrise (Here I Am) and Jumpstyle Medley
Jigga Jigga!
F*ck The Millennium + Call Me Manana
No Fate
Ti Sento
J'Adore Hardcore [8]
Jump That Rock!
How Much Is The Fish? [9]
One (Always Hardcore)
--- ---
Maria (I Like It Loud)
--- ---
Move Your Ass! + Endless Summer + Hyper Hyper + Move Your Ass!



Afterwards we met Dave and Almanac and got a taxi to the Reeperbahn were we met Daniel, Bjarke and Liv-Runi in a bar where we spent a very enjoyable few hours, and Will got to taste his first jagermeister. We left the bar at about 3:30 as we had to check out of the hotel the next morning.
After Checking out of the hotel on Sunday morning we did a tourist bus tour of hamburg, then had lunch and walked around for a while until it was time to go to the airport. We arrived home late Sunday evening after a fantastic weekend.


Now waiting for the Big Mash Up Tour - which at the moment is about 7 weeks ago, and I have tickets for 5 concerts - Hamburg, Aarchen, Saarbrucken, Frankfurt and finally Berlin (Will and I will both be going to Berlin) ...... the question is..... will I mange 4 concerts in a single trip??