Budapest 15 May 2005
It was another early morning start - this time EasyJet from Luton Airport, which is a lot easier and quicker to get to than Stanstead for me - but it is not such a nice airport - the check-in was chaotic, and there were very limited facilities for eating and drinking, Not to mention that a good part of the airport resembled a building site.

It was a good flight - I landed in Budapest just after 10:00. Jani was waiting at the airport to meet me - it was great to finally meet him. He escorted me to my hotel where I left my luggage, then we went to the train station to meet Marina who was due to arrive from Germany by train. It was very nice to see Marina again.

Marina and I stayed in a nice hotel - turned out it was where the press conference before the show was held, and where Scooter stayed.

It was strange when we left the hotel to go to the hall because there were fans outside waiting for Scooter to arrive - it seemed strange to be going away from a place where we knew Scooter would soon be arriving, but we decided that a good place in the hall was most important for us.

When we got to the hall at about 15:00 there were about 50 fans there, including Christiane and Christoph. There were quite a few I recognised from St Polten last year.

We were lucky that a Hungarian fan told us we could upgrade our tickets to "Gold" to get in the area closest to the stage, or on the balcony, although I am not sure if I really agree with charging more in this way for the best places - I have never seen this before at a Scooter concert, but for me it was worth the money. The only downside to this was that we had to give back our rather attractive original tickets with a nice picture of H.P. on them in exchange for a green wristband

Hmmm....he looks familiar!

We were allowed into the hall at about 20:00 - we made it to the front row without any problems.

There were no support acts - while we were waiting in the hall music was playing - one track that was played a couple of times was Starsplash - Can You Kick It - to which a lot of the crowd sung "Scooter Live" from the tour last year.

There was no problem with the crowd pushing or kicking (maybe it helped to be in a bigger group together with other fans) - it seemed very friendly.

At about 22:15 Scooter came on stage. The concert was great - but seemed to be over very quickly. It was very hot in the hall, and after a few minutes I was soaking wet with sweat.

H.P. poured water on the crowd, and threw a couple of towels into the crowd, which landed near to where I was standing.

H.P. Rick and Jay were all great, and great pyro throughout the show. (I liked H.P.’s T-Shirt!)

When Fire started and H.P. Said “Turn out the lights” nothing happened and the lights stayed on - he repeated it another 2 or 3 times before someone finally turned out the lights - H.P. Did not look very pleased about this.

I had a really fun time - and I went a bit crazy - maybe more than normal because this was my last concert for a while I think. (not too long I hope).

The concert was great - the same as Prague, but without Move Your Ass this time.

It was also great at the end of the show to see Scooter get their Hungarian Gold Disc for MTG.

After the concert we met Liss, Imre, Hank, Spike, Jani, Zita and a lot of other people whose names I don't know.

We talked outside the hall for a while, then Marina and I went back to our hotel had a drink in the cocktail bar and went to bed.

On Monday Marina and I had a quiet morning at the hotel, we had breakfast, went swimming, and relaxed a little before packing to leave the hotel at lunch time. When we were swimming we could see some fans waiting outside the hotel.

Liss came to the hotel to meet us at lunch time, and the 3 of us had a drink together.

Just as we were about the leave the hotel Rick, and H.P. and his girlfriend came into reception - H.P. And Simone left the hotel very quickly, Rick spoke to us for a couple of minutes - he looked very tired - he said he was just going to have breakfast, then went into the hotel dining room. A minute or so later Jay came by - he also talked to us for a few minutes.

The 3 of us went out to look around Budapest - it was a lovely warm sunny day, and we went on a boat trip on the river Danube. After the boat trip we met Imre and had a walk around for a while - it was a great day,

The only slight problem for me was that when I went to the airport my flight was delayed because of problems with French Air Traffic control - so I spend 6 hours at the airport, and was rather late getting home on Tuesday morning, and after not much sleep I had to work on Tuesday.

I had a great trip - thanks to all of you who helped make it so:

Rick Jay and H.P. of course for a great concert. Jani - it was great to finally meet you - and thanks for meeting me at the airport, and getting my concert tickets for me.

Marina, Liss, Imre, Zita, Hank, Spike, Christoph, Christiane - and those others whose names I don't know, in particular the 4 Hungarian fans I met in St Polten, who we were waiting with in the queue, and the 4 German fans I have met a few times before but whose names I don't know. (Thanks to Imre and Jani for showing us around your beautiful and interesting home city - I liked it very much.)