Beach Party - Grenaa Denmark 14 July 2007

I was looking forward to this trip a lot, I knew a few members of the forum would be there, so I had met before like Bjarke and Chris, and some I had not met, like Acid_bomb and Andrea.

I arrive at Arrhus in Denmark in the afternoon on the day before the show. When I arrived at the train station in Arrhus it was not quite as I was expecting...

There were people drinking beer all over the station - and beer bottles and cans everywhere.....

I knew the Danes like beer but.....

Outside the station it was very crowded, people sitting on steps, walls, everywhere - most drinking Carsberg, then I saw that a lot of them were wearing Metalica T-shirts - turns out that there was a Metalica concert in Aarhus that evening, with 50,000 fans attending - that explained the crowds and the beer!

I spent a couple of hours walking around Arrhus - the weather was beautiful - very different to England, and Aarhus looked a very beautiful city.

The crowded streets of Aarhus

In the late afternoon I got a train to Grenaa, about 1 hour away, and I arrived at the hotel in Grenaa in the early evening. Chris was waiting outside the hotel for me. The taxi driver who took me from the station to the hotel said it would be rather noisy the next night because of the Beach Party. The 4 fans from Wedel were also staying at the same hotel.

Chris told me that unfortunately she did not have anywhere to stay while she was in Denmark.

After unpacking I went for a walk with Chris, I wanted to to have a look at the beach, the marina, and to get something to eat. After eating we went back to the hotel, and Chris phoned Klaus, a Danish fan who was going to the Beach Party, and also camping at a site nearby with his family for a week. He drove to our hotel to meet us, and also have a drink with us. Chris asked if she could sleep in his car and he said yes, so she went back to the camp site with him.

The Scooter road crew were staying at the same hotel as me, and arrived later in the eveing, soit was good to meet them for a few minutes and have a beer with them.

Saturday morning Chris was waiting for me when I got up for breakfast. It had been raining during the night, but had stopped by the time breakfast was finished. After breakfast we went for a walk, and met Acid_bomb from Finland as we were walking around a small market.

Andrea from Sweden arrived late morning, and Chris persuaded us that we should go to wait to go into the Beach Party when it opened at 12:00. When they opened the gate Chris was the first person in, and went straight to the front of the stage. Andrea, acid_bomb and I followed, and watched what was happening for a while, Bjarke also arrived. Andrea and I decided that much as we love Scooter we did not want to stand in the same position for 12 hours, so we went for a walk around the site, then back to the hotel for a while.

Andrea and I then went down to the Marina for lunch. After lunch Klaus called to see if we wanted to go to his campsite for a drink with him and his family - we decided it seemed like a good idea so he came to collect us in his car. We spent a very enjoyable couple of hours with Klaus and his family at the camp-site before all waling down to the beach. Klause had a beautiful little daughter - who made Andrea and I a bracelet each from her pink beads, which we both wore for the rest of the day.

When we first went to the Beach Party we asked about cameras, and were told they were not allowed in the concert ground, so Andrea and I left our cameras back at the hotel.


We went back to the beach mid afternoon with Klaus and his family, by then it was getting very crowded.

I saw the show with Andrea, not very far back, we could see Rick and H.P. ok , but unfortunately, because we were at the side we could not see Michael

I can't remember for sure what the played, or what order, but I do remember the following tracks:

Light's Out
Behind The Cow (H.P. did the rap part himself)
I'm a Raver / I'm Raving
The Question is What Is The Question
Shake That!
The Leading Horse
Jigga Jigga
Jumping Fish

... can't remember for sure if there were any others

It was sooooo good to see Scooter live again

They played the new single The Question Is What Is The Question for the first time - my first impressions of it were that it was fast, fun, HPV and I just thought it was very good. The crowd also seemed to love it.

From where I was the sound was better than I have heard it in front of the stage before.

I think if you want to hear the sound at its best you cannot be at the front

I love the front row very much, but being further away did mean better audio and more room to move

I think a lot of people had quite a lot of alchol at the party, and also a lot of people looked very sunburnt, I think there were probably some very sore heads on Sunday morning from the beer, and sore arms and faces from the sun .

I enjoyed some ofthe other acts as well, although I don't know them all I liked Basshunter a lot - and I have to say I enjoyed The Vengaboys - I have not heard some of those tracks for years, but it did seem a long time from when they finished until Scooter started.

While we were waiting Andrea notice Rick standing on the other side of the fence close to where we were so we got to say hello and shake his hand, which was nice.

I would have liked to have been a bit closer to the stage - but when I saw the crush and people in the early evening I just couldn't do it , but I enjoyed the show where I was and it was good to have more space to move - my biggest regret was that I could not see Michael at all.

I heard afterwards that 10,000 people were there.

Andrea on the beach - with the stage in the background

On the beach
Andea had to leave to get her flight home at lunch time. I had lunch again in the cafe near to the marina, then had a walk around the marina - there were some rather nice boats there.... I walked back to the hotel through the part of the beach where the show had been the day before - as I was walking back the stage was just being packed away and the genereator was being loaded onto a lorry - there was almost no sign left of the show the day before, and that there had been 10,000 people there.

The morning after....

How Much Is The Fish?.....