Hannover December 2018

Hannover was added to my German itinary when I returned from Helsinki. I was suppost to be flying to Dortmund with Ed, my husband, as when we decided to go to the Dortmund concert I didn't feel able to travel alone. However, that has now changed, so I decided to fly to Hannover, and then meet Ed at Dortmund airport two days later for the final two concerts.

I flew Flybe this time, from Birmingham Airport. It was a late afternoon flight the day before the concert, so it was about 21:00 by the time I arrived at my hotel.

The next day, which was concert day I wasn't feeling particularly well, so I decided to spend the morning in the hotel rather than go and look for the Christmas Markets.

Chris arrived at the hotel at about midday, and then wanted to go into the city centre to meet a friend and buy a couple of things, so I went with her. We came back to the hotel later, and Chris and her friend decided to go to the venue. I decided that I would sit at this concert (the ticket was for standing or sitting this time) as I still wasnt feeling very strong (my heart was having a bad day), and the concert was sold out, so it would be very full.

I went to the venue just before the doors opened and met Chris and her friend, and somehow she persuaded me to go to the front row with them, and all common sense left me at the thought, adrenalin killed any pain so I ended up in the middle of the front row again. The crowd was quit rough and noisy even a couple of hours before Scooter started.


The "Smurf" look! Chris and I in the front row


I was ok in the front row for the first few tracks, and was in the front row for Oi! again :) Later there was quite a lot of pushing from further back in the crowd and I felt like I would pass out, normally I would have been ok, but not on this day - I had to get out before I passed out but it was not possible to get through the crowd, so I had to be pulled over the barrier by security, which was extremely embarrasing to say the least!! I was taken to First Aid by security where it was decided I was still alive and well, and actually my heart rate was a lot better than it was earlier. I was then sent to sit in a seat at the side of the arena for the rest of the show. I didn't get a particularly good view from there, all I could see was a side view of Michael, but I still enjoyed the rest of the show.

I briefly saw the band after the show, and Michael said he guessed that would be my last front row, to which the answer was of course it won't!!! :) I'll just be more careful in future to listen to what my body is trying to tell me. I was very glad that Ed wasn't at this concert to witness it all though.

After the show Chris and I walked back to the hotel - Chris stayed at the hotel with me, and went home the next morming and I got a train to Dortmund, because I had to meet Ed at Dortmund airport in the afternoon.


Dortmund December 2018

I was feeling fine again by the next day after my bad day in Hannover which was good as I had to travel to Dortmund, find the hotel and then go to the airport.

I got the train from Hannover to Dortmund, which was 50 minutes late, it was the first time I had been on a German train that was late.

I found the hotel, which was right next to the venue and luckily was able to check in early, so I could leave my suitcase and bag in the hotel room. I then decided it was time to head to the airport to meet Ed. There was a regional train service from a station quite close to the hotel to the airport well almost to the airport, a short drive on an airport shuttle bus was required after the train. I got train and bus to the airport to meet Ed then we went back to the hotel, and had dinner in the hotel resturant. I was very tired and I fell asleep by about 20:30 and slept for nearly 12 hours.

In the hotel lift there was a small poster advertising the events at the venue, I felt like I needed to get a pen and cross Phil's picture out because Etnik is now part of the band.


The next morning after breakfast we went into the city centre and to the Christmas Markets where I had my first Eierpunch of the year :) After the Christmas Markets we went back to the hotel to get ready to go to the concert. As we were getting ready we could hear the concert soundcheck from our room.


This was to be Ed's first real Scooter concert, although he had been to Clubland in the UK before, but Clubland doesn't really compare to a real Scooter concert.

We went to the venue at about 17:30 and Chris and a couple of her friends were outside.

Ed and I had very good seats for this concert, but he decided he wanted to watch it from the bar, so I decided to go to our seats alone, with a detour first to the standing area. The middle of the front row was of course full, but there was still space more at the side, just a little further over than where Michael stands, so I decided to stand there, as I thought there would be less crush, and it would be easier to get out if I needed to.

It was another excellent concert, and Noisecontrollers, who made the new remix of Move Your Ass which is used in the concert finale was on stage while it was played. Ed enjoyed his first concert more than he thought he would which is good :)

I was able to stay there for the whole show without any problems. It was a great show, I had a good view of all of the stage and a really enjoyable front row experience. I was soaking wet with sweat when the concert finished as usual, and my confidence to be able to be at the front was restored :) I think slightly to the side in the front row is probably a better option for me than the centre these days.




Bremen December 2018

The next day we were due to travel to Bremen to the last concert. We were travelling by train and I had booked first class travel with reserved seats for an easy journey, but two first class coaches were cut from the train, and we ended up standing in second class for the whole journey, so we were not impressed at all!

The Venue in Bremen was opposite the main station, and luckily the hotel was only a 5 minute walk, and was opposite the venue car park.

We could not check in to our room until 15:00 so we went to look at the Christmas Markets. My foot was very painful by now, so unfortunately I walked very slowly and painfully (everything seems to be going wrong with me). The Christmas Markets in Bremen were really nice, so we had an enjoyable time looking round even though it was raining.

The following day was the concert day, I was looking forward to this one very much as my husband had bought me a V.I.P. ticket as an early Christmas present. Before going to the concert though we went into town again to meet fellow fans Edgar and Rene and went for a coffee together.


When we went to the venue we met Chris and a couple of her friends outside. We waited at the VIP enterance and collected our VIP passes, and were then taken to the VIP bar. The VIP ticket include being on the side of the stage for 5 tracks, this was something I was really looking forward to!! We stayed in the VIP area until just before the concert started, then we were taken down to the area near the side of the stage to wait for our time on stage. The concert started while we were waiting, and luckly there was a little space at the front right over to the side of the stage, so I managed to be in the front row again for Oi!

There were four of us with the VIP tickets, and after a couple of tracks we were taken on stage - it was a fantastic experience!! I could have stayed there for ever. I think this experience is unique, and well worth the cost of the VIP ticket, and we will both be doing it again on the 2020 tour. The five tracks passed very quickly, but I loved every second of it!

After our time on stage was over Ed went back to the VIP area, and I stayed a while in the standing area before also going back to my seat. I had a great view, and realluy enjoyed the rest of the concert. After the concert, as part of the VIP we were taken tackstage and got to meet the band for a few minutes, get our poster autograhed, and have a picture taken.

Another bonus for me is that Ed enjoyed the concerts, and has said he will be going with me again sometimes.






I've had an absolutely amazing month! It Started on 8th November in Helsinki, and ended on 8th December in Bremen.

I started a few months ago with the aim of going to one concert in Germany and ended up going to 5, in 3 countries, 5 great cities, and 5 amazing concerts - I loved every second! 
I met some old friends that I know well, some I have only known on-line previously and some I didn't know before and will probably never meet again. 

I did things I didn't think I would ever do again, and although it was harder and more painful in the past it was just a good as ever, if not better. This knackered old body did things I didn't think it was capable of any longer!
My Achilles Tendonitis gave me more problems than my heart most of the time (walked like I was 90 years old and looked like I needed a wheelchair some of the time); I only had one particularly bad heart day, the day of the concert in Hannover, when common sense told me I must sit at that concert, but unfortunately when I got to the venue common sense left me, adrenalin killed all pain and I headed for the front row again - didn’t end well ....that will teach me to ignore how I feel! ( glad Ed wasn't there that day to witness it all). I recovered well though and was feeling good and back in the front row in Dortmund 2 days later.

Ed joined me for the last 2 concerts, and I'm happy to say he finally sees why I love it so much, and have been going to these concerts for the last 15 years. Ed bought me a VIP ticket for the final concert as an early Christmas present, which was a wonderful experience and a great way to end the tour. We also managed to visit a couple of Christmas Markets along the way :)

Thanks to all of you I met who helped make the whole experience so enjoyable; I've got to try to stay healthy and start saving for the 2020 tour now, and Ed will be going with me once or twice I think!

As I write this I / we are already planning next year's concerts!