Lass Uns Tanzen Club Tour - Leipzig May 2007 |
I have to start by saying I some serious doubts about going to the Lass Uns Tanzen Club Tour - my great love is Scooter live on stage - I knew this was going to be different, and I wasn't really sure if it was for me. I had also heard mixed views from other "hardcore" fans, some of whom I know quite well - and all said it was very different to a concert; but one fan I know and who's opinion I really value said that he felt he had to go whatever - because he knows he would always regret it if he didn't. I guess this is how I felt - I had to go to one date or I would always regret it. I know that sounds a bit negative - but it isn't meant that way really - I guess I was just a bit unsure if this is really the way I want to see the band I love. I spoke quite a bit to Dave from the forum about gong to a gig, and in the end we decided that we would go to Leipzig - the date was good (for me not during the school holidays or exams), and Leipzig is not to difficult to get to. Dave was going to go to Germany with his friend Tom, and them they were going to spend a couple of days in Berlin after Leipzig, for me it was to be a quick visit to Leipzig. A couple of weeks before the gig it was announced that there would also be an autograpgh session that day in Leipzig, which was an added bonus. I nearly changed my mind about going a few times in the couple of weeks before - especially when I saw some of the pictures from other gigs - I just felt unsure if I really belonged in a club with so many people who all seemed so much younger than me. I had my biggest doubts the day before I was due to fly - but Dave and Tom were already in Leipzig - and I had their tickets for the club - so I felt I must go. Because of the times of flights I decided to fly to and from Berlin, and go to Leipzig by train. I flew from Luton on Thursday evening after work, and spent the night in a hotel near the airport in Berlin. The next morning I had quite a relaxing morning before getting the train to Leipzig. When I arrived in Leipzig at about midday Christiane was already there - she had arrived by train at around midnight, so had been at the station for a long time, and was quite tired. We went to my hotel, and Chris said that we should go to the autograph session early as there would be a lot of people there. I had (wrongly it turns out) assumed that the autograph session was at a Saturn store in the centre of Leipzig, but Chris had been checking it out earlier, and had found out that it was at a Saturn quite a way from the centre - about 30 minutes train ride away. Luckily she knew where she was going, or I would have never found it. We got there a couple of hours before the autograph session was due - but there was no-one else there so we went for a coffee and something to eat - after a while we saw another few people looking around so we went outside. It was a loverly day - it was warm and sunny, the weather was much nicer that in was in England. It was obvious where the autograph session would be because there was a huge poster, a table with 3 chairs and Scooter music playing. 8-). I suddenly thought that I had not actually bought anything with me to the sesision apart from a "blue" 2 track UK Jigga Jigga CD so I went into the store to buy a couple of Lass Uns Tanzen CDs. Writing this afterwards I have to say I do feel quite bad that I did not get autographed CDs for other fans - one other in particular - but at the time I did not think :-( After coffee Chris and I went out to wait - the weather in Germany was hot any sunny (compared to cold and wet in England) so waiting outside was no problem. I called Dave who also was heading for the Saturn in Leipzig centre - so he soon got a train to join us. It was good to finally see Dave again - we have spoken on-line many times but it had been quite a while since we met in person. His friend Tom, who is not such a big fan, was happy to go to the club, but not so keen on the autograph session, so Dave came to the autograph session alone. |
Scooter were due at 17:00 - there was an announcement that due to traffic problems they would be late - arriving at half past 6 we understood - 90 minutes late - but due to a language missunderstanding we learnt that half past 6 meant 17:30 not 18:30 - so we were well pleased when Scooter arrived only 30 minutes late :-)) Chris, Dave and I were first in the queue. The guys seemed friendly happy and relaxed. It was the first time I had met Michael, so I was a bit nervous, but he seemed like a nice freindly guy, and the 3 guys all seemed happy and relaxed together, and to get on really well as a team.
I got the chance to show the guys my tattoo - H.P. said I was crazy :-)) That's the second time he has called me crazy - the first was in Oldenburg when he heard that we had waited for 14 hours to see Scooter. I have decide that its good to be crazy occasionally (as long as it doesn't harm anyone) - life's too short not to be a bit crazy occasinally! Afterwards when Dave and I were talking our only regret was that we did not get a picture taken with the guys. Kai and Stefan were also with the guys, both at the autograph session and the gig - I didn't realise that this would be the last time I would see them. Thats a bit sad - they are both nice guys! :-( |
We went to the club at 21:00, when it opened. I enjoyed my whole time in the club - it was a very nice club (well - I think so in my very limited experience of clubs ). As we got to the club when it opened at 21:00, we had 4 hours before Scooter started, When we first arrived there weren't many people around. Marcus (Magic-voice) and Madlen arrived at about the same time as Chris and I. We decided to sit at a table directly behind were the DJ was. I decide that I would stay here when Scooter came on rather than try to get to the front. A couple of hours after we arrived Tom and Dave arrived as well. Chris was very tired and kept falling asleep at the table, even when the place was very noisy and crazy just before Scooter were on. It was good to see Marcus and Madlen again, and i enjoyed talking to them in the cub, while listening to the music. The time seemed to go really quickly - I enjoyed the company and the music; the place just got crazier as it got later. (I guess what happens before Scooter varies from club to club, but I enjoyed it a lot) During the gig H.P. refered to Michael as "Shiney" - because of his rather shiney headphones :-) I was in a great place at the club, but not so good for taking pictures - and I have to admit I was rather too busy having fun to think much about taking pictures. |
Shiney Michael! |
Rick, H.P. and Michael seemed really good together, and they all seemed to be having a really great time at the gig! The Scooter tracks they played were (as far as I can remember): Lass Uns Ttanzen, Shake That , Weekend, Maria ( I like it loud ), Nessaja und One Always Hardcore. |
You can see me on this picture.... |
Spot The Forum Moderator - and Guess Who's holding the camera ;-) |
When Scooter finished it was just after 03:00, and Chris was very tired, so Dave, Tom, Chris and I got a taxi back to the hotel. The next day after breakfast I got the train back to Berlin for my flight home. It was a good trip!