St Polten - Vienna - July 2004
I flew to Vienna on British Airways from Heathrow on Thursday afternoon - I spent a great afternoon walking
many miles around Vienna, and by the river. It was very hot and sunny, and I visited a big ‘fair ground’ and
went on the big Ferris wheel.

On Friday Christiane arrived from Germany, and we spent most of the day looking around the city - it was
another warm sunny pleasant day.

Christiane had told me not to book a hotel, as she had already booked us a double room to save money, so I had only booked a hotel for one night - unfortunately when we met she had forgotten the name and address of the hotel, so we had nowhere to stay on my second night. Luckily the hotel I had stayed at the first night had rooms, although it is a lot more expensive to just book a room on the day you need it than in advance on the internet, so the second night cost nearly twice as much as the first. Chris said that on the way to meet me she had had her money stolen, which was sad, and also not good for her to be away from home with no money.

Chris wanted to spend the time looking for the best hotels in Vienna to try to find out where Scooter were staying by pretending to be looking for a friend from the crew. I felt very uncomfortable with this and wanted to see the sights and shops - tomorrow would be for Scooter - this day was the chance to see a beautiful city.

On Saturday we went early to St Polten by train, we arrived at the venue very, very early (09:00 ), but I did not know for sure where I was going so early is better than late.

We queued for many hours for the concert - in the afternoon a very nice German fan from Hanover arrived that I met in Hamburg (Kultkeks- Marina) and we talked for a long time - she had a German - English dictionary to help us understand each other, which was a great idea - I think I will take a English - German one next time with me.

Chris promised some of the fans we were in the queue with that she would take them to meet Scooter after the show and Scooter's hotel - I felt a bit sorry for them, because they did not get to meet with Scooter.. There was also a big arguement later in the day with some Hungarian fans - I did not understand it all, but it seems they were thought Chris had tickets to trade with them, but when they arrived she had only one ticket, and she also said she would take them to meet Scooter after the concert I think.

Getting into the concert was a bit different this time to other concerts I have been to, which meant that a lot of
fans went into the hall together, so it was a real rush to the front row - but we made it to the middle. The crowd was really raving this time, and I was crushed more than before.

The warm up act was good, but Scooter were great . The track list was different to the rest of the tour, as you
can see from Imre' s post on the forum thanks for that - I was trying to remember it all on the plane home - I
could not fully remember - when I am at a concert my brain does not work in the usual way - I exist totally in the moment, and the music. It was good to finaly meet Imre, Zita and the other Hungarian fans.

Scooter were really incredible - it was great to hear I'm Raving and No Fate, and Crank it Up was just
incredible - I was very crazy for the whole concert - my arms are completely covered in bruises, and my legs
also have a lot of bruises from the barrier When I go to work tomorrow I will look like I have been fighting, not to a concert!

St Polten 10th July 2004 - Tracklist

WLIL Intro
2. Maria
3. Weekend!
4. I'm Raving
5. Habanera + Call me manana
6. No Fate
7. FasterharderScooter
8.Fuckk the Millennium
9. Swinging In The Jungle
10. Nessaja
11. How much is the fish?
(12. Surfing bird)
13. Ramp!
14. Fire
15. Jigga Jigga
16. Hyper Hyper 2004
17. Crank it up


Afterwards we went back to Vienna very tired and happy .

On Sunday back at Vienna airport I met Kultkeks again we talked for a while about the great concert, and when we would meet again - in Switzerland we thought - the time at the airport went quickly - it is good to talk to another fan, and soon it was time for the flight home.

After a concert it take me a few days for me to be normal again, and I can’t sleep for a couple of nights. - I had a great time - thanks Scooter - it was GREAT.

No one in the world can do a concert like Scooter - they are the greatest !!!