- February 2005 |
It was my good friend Marina’s birthday in February, and she wanted to party at The Tunnel when Jay was there to celebrate. It seemed like a good plan to me. At this time of year flights to Hamburg are very cheap, and it sounded like fun.
When I arrive in central Hamburg from Lubeck, Christiane was waiting for me at the bus station. I had intended to spend the morning shopping in Hamburg, but Chris persuaded me to go to Bramfeld with her first, where we had coffee and cakes in a certain bakery - I'm glad I don’t work very close to a bakery like that or I think I would get very fat from eating the excellent cakes they make. Marian got held up in traffic for a long time on her journey from Hannover, but eventually she arrived in Hamburg. We met up at the hotel in the late afternoon and had a shower and got changed before going out to eat. We had arranged to meet Julia (our former forumadmin and webmaster at at a restaurant to eat. We found the restaurant (and Julia) and spent a very pleasant couple of hours talking, eating and drinking. At about 22:00 we went back to the hotel for a couple of hours rest - as I had been up since 03:00 I was getting rather tired by now. We rested until about 01:00 then we got ready to go to The Tunnel, which was just over the road and about 2 minutes walk from our hotel. We had a great evening at the Tunnel - the best bit of course was when Jay was Djing - he started at about 03:00 for about 90 minutes. |
At about 5:30 we decided to go back to the hotel - I was very tired after my early start - I think Marina could have stayed for a lot longer. Chris went to the station to get a train home and Marina and I went to bed for a couple of hours. Up again at 8:30 for breakfast before checking out of the hotel. We spend a very nice few hours walking around Hamburg - it was cold but dry and the sun was shining. In the middle of the afternoon Marina started on her journey home, and I went back to the bus station to wait for the bus back to Lubeck. I had a good flight home.
The Tunnel was great, Jay was great - a great weekend - Hope to do it again sometime. |